The KeyShot Ribbon
The Ribbon provides quick access to commonly used settings, tools, commands, and windows in KeyShot.
Right-click the Ribbon to customize it, this gives you the option to:
- select the items you want shown in the Ribbon.
- enable/disable text labels in the Ribbon.
Once you have the Ribbon customized to your workflow, you can save it with a custom Workspace.

Select a predefined Workspace, create and manager your own, or select between the Light and Dark theme interface.
Depending on whether the Real-time View is in CPU/GPU mode you can limit how many cores of your CPU/which GPUs are allocated for KeyShot.
Pauses Real-time View rendering.
Performance Mode
Toggle on to lower real-time render settings for faster performance. Performance Mode is also accessible via the Lighting tab.
GPU Mode
If your PC has a GPU which meets the requirements, this button will be present in the Ribbon, and enable you to switch to GPU Mode. If the Icon i disabled it means that the GPU Driver needs to be updated.
Toggle denoising. Denoise is one of the Image style options, and as such the state will follow current Image Style. If the image style is locked, the Denoise button in the Ribbon will be disabled.
NURBS Mode (Pro Only)
Enables NURBS Data to be rendered in the Real-time View.
Region (Pro Only)
Enables Region rendering.
Dolly Camera
Select the default left mouse button behavior. This is especially helpful when you are working on a laptop with only a track pad, as opposed to working with a mouse, where you can Pan the camera by holding the MMB or use the scroll wheel to dolly it.
The Hotkey Overview also offers modifier keys for camera navigation, so you don’t have to switch between modes via the Ribbon.
Quick access to the Camera Perspective value.
Add Camera
Add a new Camera to your saved Camera list.
Cycle Cameras
Cycle through saved Cameras.
Reset Camera
Reset the current Camera to its saved state.
Lock Camera
Lock the properties of the current Camera.
Show/hide the Studios window.
Add Studio
Add a new Camera to your saved Camera list.
Cycle Studios
Cycle through saved Studios.
This groups a number of Tools for easy access.
Move Tool – Enables the Move Tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Flip Normals – Launches the Flip Normals tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Edit Normals – Launches the Edit Normals tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Re-Tessellate – Launches the Re-Tessellate tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Close Mesh – Launches the Close Mesh tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Split Object Surfaces – Launches the Split Object Surface tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Split Separate Objects – Launches the Split separate objects tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Mesh Simplification – Launches the Mesh Simplification tool and prompts to make a selection if nothing is already selected.
Material Templates – Show/hide the Material Templates window.
Material importer – The Material Importer lets you import .kmp, .mtl, .U3m, .AxF or Substance Painter texture sets into KeyShot.
Match Perspective – launches the Match Perspective tool, which lets you match the camera to the backplate perspective.
Set Camera Target – Launches the Set Camera Target Tool.
Geometry View
Show/hide the Geometry View window.
Configurator Wizard
Opens Configurator Wizard.
Light Manager
Launches the Light Manager.
Retina Mode (Mac only)
Toggles the Retina Mode.
Render in High DPI (Windows Only)
If High DPI has been enabled in Preferences, the High DPI button lets you toggle between normal and High DPI mode.
Scripting Console
Launches the Scripting console.