On this page
The Queue in the Monitor shows you the waiting, in progress and finished jobs.
You can log into your user account on any computer that is connected to the manager via the Monitor. Logging into your network account allows you to download and/or delete your completed jobs. If you submitted the job, without being logged in, you have to access the Monitor on the same computer, to be able to download/pause etc. the jobs. Users can be given additional privileges so they can download and/or delete all jobs, manage user privileges, and edit the worker schedule.
The filter on the left of the monitor will enable you to quickly find your jobs.
Job Order
Jobs will generally be processed in the order they were submitted. Users with the right privileges can change priority of jobs (see details below).
The Order can also be impacted by the capability of the Workers and the load of jobs. A Worker can only process jobs matching their Render Engine setup (CPU/GPU), so if there are few GPU Workers but many GPU jobs the CPU jobs may seem to be processed faster. In the Queue you can see details of each job. The Mode column shows the Render Engine needed for each job .
Change priority on a job
To move a job up/down in the queue order, simply right-click the job and select Increase priority of Decrease priority.
If a change in priority moves a processing job down in the queue, the current tasks in process will be finished, but no new tasks will be started on that job, until tasks from jobs with a higher priority are done.
Download a job
You do not need to be connected to the network while the job is being rendered. The images will be stored on the manager. Next time you connect to the manager, with the same user and computer, your finished jobs will automatically be downloaded to the given location. If you log into the monitor on another computer you can manually download your jobs.
To download a job, simply right-click the job in the queue and select Download.
If you have sent the job to the manager anonymously (without being logged into the monitor), you can only download it from the same computer as it was uploaded from. If you want to download it form another computer you will need to be logged in with the appropriate privileges.
Delete a job
To delete a job, or a selection of jobs, select the job(s) in the queue and click the delete button or right-click the job and select Delete.
Pause a job
You can also pause jobs that are processing. In this case the current tasks will be finished and the job won’t be resumed until it is unpaused. You find the pause/unpause options when you right-click a job.